

Rainbow Hotels & resorts City tour wedding venues outdoor gatherings are cheap in Sentul

We from Pelangi Sentul Hotel & Resort Bogor, try to offer you hotel accommodation, resorts, and villas that are relatively cheap and luxurious, a fairly wise stay in the Sentul area with relatively cheap prices, with views of green valleys and mountain air, as well as a variety of fine dining, and elegant hall spaces for events, Pelangi Sentul Hotel & Resort Bogor is more than just a hotel, but a place for activities to tour around Sentul and Bogor, as well as exciting and exciting indoor and outdoor activities , this is what distinguishes us from other hotels and resorts in the Sentul area of ​​the other Bogor.

do not be surprised, given that Sentul is the closest area of ​​Jakarta, not jammed and easy access, to be able to get to the location of pelangi Hotels & Resorts can use a large bus vehicle

The following package and list of activities at Pelangi Hotel & Resort Sentul Bogor

  • wedding outdoor sentul
  • city tour Sentul & Bogor
  • offroad sentul
  • Rafting sentul
  • pool party
  • indoor live music perform
  • meeting sentul
  • gathering sentul
  • Retreat sentul
  • Training indoor outdoor
  • Outbound sentul

regarding further information, please contact our marketing on the number available on our website,

Greetings & success always

Sentul – bogor

Pelangi Hotels & Resorts sentul